Ways to help us
There are a number of ways you can give your support to Perth Citizens Advice Bureau. Last year we offered advice to 4700 clients on a wide range of topics. As a charity we rely on the work of our volunteers and the support we receive to continue to make a difference to people’s lives.
Here are some of the ways you can support us:
Volunteer with us: We have a range of voluntary opportunities.
Perth Citizens Advice Bureau simply wouldn’t exist without our volunteers. Volunteers in the bureau work in a range of roles including generalist advisers, support workers, IT support, social policy workers or board members. You don’t need to have qualifications or particular experience to become a volunteer, we are looking for people who are interested in learning how to help. Of course it helps if you are a good listener, have a genuine desire to help others and the ability to understand complex information and explain it to others.
In return, as a volunteer, you will receive full training for your role, with on-going training and support. You will be joining a great team from many different backgrounds but all with one thing in common – the desire to do something which is challenging and very rewarding.
Please email VolunteerRecruitment@perthcab.org.uk if you are interested in finding out more about volunteering with us.