EU Citizens Support Service
The UK Government has introduced a new scheme to allow EU Citizens to stay in the UK after Brexit. This is the EU Settlement Scheme. EU Nationals who have lived in the UK for 5 years or more can apply for "Settled Status" which will give them a permanent right to live and work in the UK. EU Nationals who have lived here for less than 5 years can apply for "Pre-settled Status" which will allow them to remain in the UK after Brexit and to apply for full settled status once they have been living in the UK for 5 years in total. Most EU Citizens living in the UK, including children, will have to apply for Settled Status, even if they have been living here for many years.
The application for Settled Status is made online at
If you would like more information about the Scheme or would like help to make an application please see our News and Events page for our contact details.
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